- ASX will conduct a business continuity plan test (BCP) in the ASX Trade production environment on Saturday 19 October 2024.
- This BCP event will simulate a complete ASX Trade failover from the ASX Liquidity Centre (ALC) to the Secondary Data Centre (SDC).
- ALC customer equipment and all connectivity products which do not interface directly with ASX Trade Services will not be impacted.
- The test period will be from 09:00 to 14:00 AEDT on Saturday 19 October 2024.
- Registrations required by Friday 11 October 2024 to confirm participation in the test.
- Participants are required to submit a Declaration of Participation Form following the event.
Notice Content
The event on Saturday 19 October 2024 will be the second BCP event this year for ASX Trade and will simulate a complete ASX Trade failover of the ASX Liquidity Centre (ALC) over to the Secondary Data Centre (SDC). All ALC services via Liquidity Cross Connect (LCC), Redundant Teamed Connection (RTC) and Gateway-in-Cabinet (GiC) will be unavailable.
It will enable Participants an opportunity for BCP testing to develop test cases to practice recovery strategies or switching to alternative arrangements for critical dependencies.
The test period will be from 09:00 to 14:00 AEDT on Saturday 19 October 2024.
ASX requests and expects that all Participants attend the two scheduled BCP events each year. Vendors and AMOs will also be strongly encouraged to participate in all BCP events.
What do I need to do by when?
- Complete the Participant registration form and return to ASX Customer Technical Support (CTS) by close of business Friday 11 October 2024. Registrations will not be accepted beyond this date.
- Participants need to specify ASX Net and ALC gateway connectivity details that will be used in the test, because other access points will be disabled by ASX.
- Participants must liaise with their vendors prior to the test to ensure readiness.
Test Information and Conditions
- During the test the ASX TradeMatch and ASX Centre Point order books will be opened for transactional activity.
- ASX will generate a synthetic background load to support Participant testing. The load is targeted towards specific symbols. Subject to change, the symbol list is planned to cover "AMC, ANZ, BHP, BXB, CBA, CSL, FMG, MQG, NAB, NEM, RIO, RMD, SQ2, STO, TCL, TLS, WBC, WDS, WES and WOW". Participants are also encouraged to test and validate beyond the subset of symbols listed.
- Long orders in the system on Friday 18 October will be restored in ASX Trade on Saturday 19 October. ASX will cancel any existing Undisclosed and Iceberg orders prior to market open. All orders will be restored to the expected state for Monday 21 October.
- Access to the ASX Trade services will be enabled for the test. Participants not joining the test should ensure their sessions remain disconnected after the ASX Trade system shutdown at 20:30 AEDT on Friday 18 October until the conclusion of testing on Saturday and the rollback is completed ready for Monday 21 October.
- The test is limited to ASX Trade connections for order entry and execution; there will be no access provided to CHESS or Signal B.
- The trading date for transactions performed during the test will be Saturday 19 October 2024.
- User configuration changes made during the test, including password changes, will be rolled back at the end of the test and will not be available in production on Monday 21 October 2024.
- Transactions performed on Saturday 19 October will not be available on ASX Trade on Monday 21 October. Participants and vendors need to remove 19 October transactions from their applications on completion of the test.
Testing Schedule
For the purpose of this test and to better simulate an incident scenario, all times are approximate and may be subject to change on the day. Events will be published in real time via the System Status Page, Participants should monitor this page throughout the test for all updates.
A schedule of session state changes is published in Appendix 2 – session state changes of this notice.
ASX Trade logins enabled - connectivity window commences. Markets in PRE_OPEN and ASX-production like generated order activity will begin. Users may enter and modify orders during the PRE_OPEN trading state.
Markets move into OPEN (staggered open)
ASX will simulate a complete outage of ASX Trade services in the ALC.
SDC Available Services
Services to SDC are available via ASX Net and ASX Net Global only.
Customer applications establishing a connection to SDC should perform normal startup routines and listen for session state changes. Transactions will be rejected at this time.
- OMNet
- Participants with ASX Net OMNet gateways should connect via the SDC ports (15026 and 15027)
- Participants with SDC ITCH services should connect to multicast services via channels C (ASX Net) & E (ASX Net Global)
ALC Unavailable Services
All ALC services via Liquidity Cross Connect (LCC), Redundant Teamed Connection (RTC) and Gateway-in-Cabinet (GiC) will be unavailable.
- OMNet
- ITCH (Channel A & B & D)
SDC ASX trading services will be become available.
- Matching Engine promoted
- ENQUIRE session state established
- No transactions permitted
Market state changes following Matching Engine failovers.
- Initial state is ENQUIRE
- ADJUST 5 mins (11:30am – 11:35am)
- PRE_OPEN 10 mins (11:35am – 11:45am)
- OPEN - Markets will start to Open (staggered) from 11:45am
ASX Trade market transitions to CLOSE.
- PRE_CSPA 12:35
- CSPA 12:45
- ADJUST 12:47
- CLOSE 12:55
ASX markets move to CLOSE
Logins disabled
Stop ASX Trade and commence rollback
Testing complete |
Confirmation and Declaration
- On completion of the BCP test, Participants must email CTS their test status, advising of either a successful completion or a list of outstanding issues. Confirmations can be sent as soon as these scenarios have been communicated as completed on the day, but should be sent by no later than 14:00 AEDT.
- Participants are required to declare their attendance and participation in the BCP test following the event via a Declaration of Participation Form – Appendix 3, to Customer Technical Support (CTS) by close of business Friday 1 November 2024.
Issued by
Ben Jackson - General Manager, Market Operations
Contact information
Customer Technical Support | 1800 663 053 | +612 9227 0372