As per notice 0984.22.09 ASX have declared that the ASX Trade Market will be closed on 22 September for the Public Holiday to commemorate Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
As the 22 September 2022 also coincides with the weekly ETO expiry, ASX is proposing to amend the expiry date for Weekly options due to expire on the 22 September to the 23 September.
In the interim the affected series will re-open for trade until the new expiry date is updated in clearing and trading systems later this week, pending the results of internal testing.
Participants should contact their trading and clearing system vendors to understand how the adjusted series will appear on screen. In addition participants should make clients aware of the updated expiry date.
Ben Jackson
General Manager, Market Operations
Trading Operations
+61 (02) 9256 0677, 1300 655 560