
ASX Equity FlexClear™ - Unique Product Identifier and Unique Trade Identifier

What's this about:
  • ASX 24 Market
  • Clearing
  • Equity Derivatives
  • Flexclear OTC
  • Product
  • Operations
  • Technology
  • Market Data
  • Rules
  • Compliance
  • FlexClear™
  • DTCC reporting
  • ASIC OTC reporting
  • UPI
  • UTI
Notice reference number: 0996.24.09
Date published: 02/09/24
Effective as of: 21/10/24
Last updated: 03/09/24

With the changes to ASIC OTC regulatory reporting coming into effect on 21 October 2024, ASX has created a list of Unique Product Identifiers (UPIs) via the Derivatives Services Bureau (DSB) for products contained with the Equity FlexClear™ clearing service. Participants and users of the service can obtain a list of the UPIs via:



ASX will update this link on the back of new ETO Class listings or corporate actions so that it is always aligned to the available products within FlexClear™.

Under the new ASIC OTC regulatory reporting, a new Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI) will need to be submitted to the DTCC. Below is the coding convention that ASX intends to use to create the 52-character UTI:

-        First 20 characters are the ASX LEI: 549300JQL1BXTGCCGP11

-        ASX and padding of “0” to meet the 52-character required length

          (E.g. ASX0000000000000000000)

-        Followed by the FlexClear™ trade ID (E.g. 59504462U1)

-        Example full code: 549300JQL1BXTGCCGP11ASX000000000000000000059504462U1

What do I need to do by when?

Participants and end users should make the appropriate changes in readiness for the new ASIC OTC Regulatory reporting requirements to the DTCC.

Need more information?

Issued by

Gregory Pill - Head of Equity Derivative Products

Contact information

Gregory Pill
+61 (02) 9227 0696

