
Amendment to US settlement bank investment loss allocation under the ASX Recovery Rules

What's this about:
  • ASX 24 Market
  • Clearing
  • Futures
  • Flexclear OTC
  • Commodities
  • Rates
  • Operations
  • Rules
  • Compliance
  • Risk
  • Loss allocation
  • ASX Recovery Rules
  • overnight margining
  • USD
  • US settlement banks
Notice reference number: 0143.24.02
Date published: 19/02/24
Effective as of: 26/02/24
Last updated: 19/02/24

Notice Content

In July 2023, ASX consulted the ASX Clear (Futures) Risk Consultative Committee on a proposed change to one of the three components for the allocation of US settlement bank investment losses between the clearing participants of ASX Clear (Futures) set out in the ASX Recovery Rules. The change was intended to address the risk of an unrepresentative allocations. Since then, the amended ASX Recovery Rules have received regulatory clearance from ASIC and New Zealand regulators. The effective date is 26 January 2024.

For a copy of the ASX Recovery Rule amendments refer to Attachment A.

For a copy of the amended Client Fact Sheet refer to Attachment B. The updated Client Fact Sheet will be available on the ASX website from 26 February 2024.


What do I need to do by when?

No action is required.

Need more information?

Issued by

Colm Grace, General Manager Clearing Risk Policy and Management

Contact information

Colm Grace
+61 (02)  9227 0439
