
Austraclear Service Release 16 scheduled for 20 November 2023

What's this about:
  • ASX 24 Market
  • Austraclear
  • Operations
  • Technology
  • Compliance
  • Risk
  • Austraclear system Release
Notice reference number: 0946.23.09
Date published: 14/09/23
Effective as of: 20/11/23
Last updated: 05/10/23

Austraclear Service Release 16 scheduled for 20 November 2023 – Customer Testing is available from 2 - 13 October

Participants are advised that Customer testing for Austraclear Service Release 16 will commence Monday 02 October until 13 October 2023, in preparation for the scheduled Service Release on Monday 20 November 2023.  Participants are encouraged to complete testing on the Austraclear enhancements within the testing window.

Austraclear Service Release 16 introduces an enhanced Austraclear Graphical User Interface (GUI), for all Participants to log in, alongside a new weblauncher, version 2.24.0 which is compatible with .NET version 4.8. There will also be a new Common Gateway GUI (HTHL), version 6.16.0.

The file deployment version of the enhanced GUI for the test environment will be available here from 08 September 2023.

Austraclear Service Release 16 includes the following enhancements:

  • Inclusion of number of trades that have been linked within field 20C of SWIFT MT544, MT545, MT546 and MT547 messages, i.e. :20C::POOL//148975/3.
  • Introducing a new SWIFT message to enable Participant Banks to bulk update cash and temporary cash limits during Austraclear Assured Mode and Normal Austraclear Operating Mode
  • Introducing Bulk Authorisation on Unwinds for FIS and DSS Repos
  • Austraclear Graphical User Interface (GUI) usability changes
  • Enable Administrators to clone active users and their roles.
  • Incorporating email addresses into the Austraclear role allocation report
  • An updated Web Launcher version compatible with .NET 4.8
  • 2023 SWIFT release

Further information on the enhancements within Austraclear Service Release 16 will be provided during customer testing.

Below are the key dates for this release.



Event Description


8 September 2023

Test Bed File Deployment available and published on ASX Online


8 September 2023

New Weblauncher available and published in Austraclear Test Bed A


02-13 October 2023

Participant customer testing is available for SR16


09 October 2023

Production File Deployment available and published on ASX Online


09 October 2023

New Weblauncher available and published for Production used


11-12 October 2023

Austraclear customer testing environment operating within Assured Mode for Participating Bank exercise.


18 November 2023

Implementation of Austraclear Service Release 16


20 November 2023

Austraclear Service Release 16 scheduled GO-LIVE


What do I need to do by when?

Participants are encouraged to perform testing of the new enhancements within the Customer testing period 02 October until 13 October 2023.

Given Austraclear Service Release 16 includes an enhanced Austraclear Graphical User Interface (GUI), it is mandatory for Participants to log into the Austraclear system on the weekend of go-live, scheduled for Saturday 18 November 2023. 

It is mandatory for all Participants accessing Austraclear via browser deployment to install the new weblauncher version 2.24.0 available for Customer testing from 08 September 2023 at the following location and must be downloaded prior to go live weekend. Please note the new version is compatible with the current Austraclear version.  

Participants using Customer Test File Deployment can download and install the new file deployment Customer test bed version from 08 September which will be available from here. There will also be a new Common Gateway GUI (HTHL), version 6.17.0 available from 08 September for Participants to test commencing 02 October.

Installation of the File Deployment and HTHL software is password protected. Please contact the Austraclear Help Desk to obtain the installation password.

The new Production File Deployment version will be made available 6 weeks in advance of the go-live date.

Need more information?

Issued by

Fixed Income Operations

Contact information

Any enquiries should be directed through to the Austraclear and ASX Collateral Service Desk on 1300 362 257 or via email to
