
ASX 24 Operating Rules Procedures – Clarification of Daily Settlement Price Procedures for Electricity Futures Contracts and Gas Futures Contracts

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  • Electricity
  • Settlement Price
  • Daily Settlement Price
  • Gas
  • Energy
  • Energy market policy
Notice reference number: 1075.22.09
Date published: 30/09/22
Effective as of: 01/11/22
Last updated: 30/09/22

ASX 24 Operating Rules Procedures will be amended to clarify the Daily Settlement Price Procedures for Electricity Futures Contracts and Gas Futures Contracts as follows:

·       Procedure 2500.1 will be amended to provide that the Daily Settlement Price for Electricity Futures Contracts will be determined in accordance with the ASX Electricity Futures Contracts – Daily Settlement Price Methodology as published by the Market Operator from time to time. This document will replace the current Energy Market Policy. There is no substantive change to the methodology described in the Energy Market Policy for Electricity Futures Contracts. The intention of the amendment is to express the methodology in clearer terms.   

·       Procedure 2500.1 will be amended to provide that the Daily Settlement Price for Gas Futures Contracts will be determined in accordance with the standard provisions of paragraph (a)(ii) – (vii). This reflects current practice.  

·       Procedure 4022(a)(ii) will be amended to make consequential changes to the strip order price allocation process for Market Operator Defined Strip Orders and clarify that relevant provisions apply to Gas Strip Orders.

Please see the ASX 24 Operating Rules Procedures amendments here.

Please see the ASX Electricity Futures Contracts – Daily Settlement Price Methodology that ASX intends to publish on 1 November 2022 here.

What do I need to do by when?

No further action required.

Need more information?

Issued by

Bradley Campbell
Acting Co-head, Markets

Contact information

ASX Commodities
+61 (02)  9338 0000
