
South32 Limited (ASX Code: S32) Lifting of Exercise Restriction for ETOs

What's this about:
  • ASX Market
  • Clearing
  • Settlement
  • Operations
  • Market Data
  • Compliance
  • Risk
  • Equity Derivatives
Notice reference number: 0998.22.09
Date published: 14/09/22
Effective as of: 14/09/22
Last updated: 14/09/22

Further to ASX notice 0930.22.09, the ETOs exercise restrictions that was applied to South32 Limited (S32) has now been lifted for exercises on Wednesday 14 September 2022,

What do I need to do by when?

Clearing Participants should note the exercise cut off time has been extended to 8:00pm AEST.

Need more information?

Issued by

Will Ward, Manager, Clearing Operations

Contact information

William Ward
