
ASX to extend fee waiver on 5 Year Exchange For Physical Transactions

What's this about:
  • ASX 24 Market
  • Interest Rate Futures
  • Trading
  • Settlement
  • Clearing
  • Compliance
  • Market Data
  • Operations
  • Product
  • Risk
  • Rules
  • Technology
  • 5 year Treasury Bond Future
  • Exchange For Physical
  • Fee holiday
  • interest rate futures
Notice reference number: 0667.22.06
Date published: 21/06/22
Effective as of: 21/06/22
Last updated: 21/06/22

This notice is to confirm an extension to the 5 Year Exchange For Physical (EFP) fee waiver that was put in place at as at 1st January 2022 as per notice 1757.21.12. The existing EFP fee waiver will be extended for a further 6 month period and will apply to all 5 Year Bond Future EFP’s registered up to and including Friday 30th December 2022.

The 5 Year Bond Future was launched in late Q4 2020 to complement the existing interest rate futures complex by providing an additional liquidity point and hedging tool at the mid part of the yield curve. Since launch, over 2 million contracts have traded with broad participation across banks, investment banks, buy side and proprietary firms. Further details on contract specifications and commodity codes can be found in the factsheet.

What do I need to do by when?

No further action is required.

Need more information?

Issued by

Monique Bell,
Manager Interest Rate Products.

Contact information

+61 (02)  9227 0208
