
Australian Liquidity Centre – Scheduled Quarterly DRUPS B and DRUPS C Maintenance – Sunday 11 July 2021

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  • Australian Liquidity Centre (ALC)
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  • ALC
  • SmartHands
  • Work Access Requests
Notice reference number: 0797.21.06
Date published: 17/06/21
Effective as of: 11/07/21
Last updated: 17/06/21

ASX ALC Users are advised that ASX will be conducting Quarterly maintenance on the Diesel Rotary Un-interruptible Power Supply (DRUPS) systems at the ALC. The maintenance will be perform on DRUPS B and DRUPS C only.
The maintenance operations are due to start Sunday 11 July 2021 at 6am and are scheduled to be completed by 2pm.

The maintenance will be performed on a single DRUPS at a time and will require each DRUPS to be placed into maintenance bypass mode. During this time one power rail in each cabinet will be running off mains power. Each cabinet has dual power rails, therefore the second power rail will be maintained in normal operation mode.

Each customer cabinet has two power rails that are fed by separate Power Distribution Units (PDUs). These PDU’s are fed by two of the three DRUPS units (A, B or C). Therefore, any given cabinet will have power fed from the DRUPS systems in either A-B, B-C or A-C design. During the maintenance window, any power rail being fed by the designated DRUPS will be running on mains power for the duration of the maintenance window. This means in the event of a power outage (either internally or to the utility supply), that particular power rail will not have backup power available and customers will experience a loss of power to any power supplies connected to this power rail. The second power rail will continue to operate normally and will continue to have DRUPS backup power available.

ASX will be working closely with its service engineers for the duration of the maintenance. ALC Access and other services will continue as per normal procedures over the course of this work.

What do I need to do by when?

If you have any questions regarding this maintenance please contact ASX Customer Technical Support (CTS) at

Need more information?

Issued by

David Glavin, General Manager – Technology Infrastructure

Contact information

Customer Technical Support | 1800 663 053 | +612 9227 0372
