
Palla Pharma Limited– Suspension of Approval ASX Code: PAL (Voluntary Administrator Appointed)

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  • ASX Market
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  • Settlement
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  • Risk
Notice reference number: 1861.21.12
Date published: 17/12/21
Effective as of: 17/12/21
Last updated: 17/12/21

This is to notify all Participants that Palla Pharma Limited (Voluntary Administrator Appointed) (the “Company”) has advised ASX Settlement Pty Ltd (ASX Settlement) (ABN 49 008 504 532) of the appointment of Voluntary Administrators on 17 December 2021. Financial Products of the Company have been suspended from official quotation on ASX Limited since 15 December 2021 pending release of an announcement regarding the results of the review undertaken by PAL of its strategy and operations.

What do I need to do by when?


Security Code



Ordinary Fully Paid


Suspension from CHESS approval took effect on 17 December 2021

Pursuant to ASX Settlement Operating Rules 8.4.1(a) and 8.4.1(d), ASX Settlement has suspended the above listed class of the Issuer’s approved Financial Products following the appointment of Voluntary Administrators until further notice.

Participants are advised that, as a result of the Company’s suspension of approval in respect of the above listed class of the Issuer’s approved Financial Products, CHESS will not process Messages affecting Holder registration details. In addition transfer and/or Conversion Messages will not be processed, unless the Voluntary Administrator gives written consent or a Court order authorises the transfer of the securities.

Need more information?

Issued by

Darren Tay, Equity Operations                              

Contact information

Equity Operations
1800 814 051
