Newcrest Mining Limited – Termination Settlement Price for NCM ETOs
The securities of NCM were placed in Trading Halt prior to trading on Wednesday, 30 April 2020, at the request of the Company pending the release of an announcement by the Company.
There are open positions in expiring (April 2020) NCM ETOs. In the event that the above Trading Halt remains in place after the conclusion of trading today, NCM ETOs expiring today will use the last traded price of their respective underlying before the Trading Halt came into effect for settlement. Exercise restrictions are not currently in place for NCM.
In line with current policy, when an ETO underlying products is in a Trading Halt on a designated expiry date, ASX has determined that the expiring NCM ETOs will be reopened for trading at 2.00pm (Sydney time) on Thursday, 30 April 2020 which is the ETO expiry day, unless the underlying is resumed prior, regardless of the status of the underlying.
Participants can trade expiring NCM ETOs from 2:00pm (Sydney time) should they need to do so.
Trading Operations
1300 655 560