
ASX Prime Banks

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  • Benchmark
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  • Prime Bank Conventions
  • Annual survey
Notice reference number: 1262.19.11
Date published: 14/11/19
Effective as of: 16/11/19
Last updated: 14/11/19

ASX appoints Prime Banks annually based on Prime Bank eligibility criteria, as set out in the Prime Bank Conventions. As part of the annual review, ASX surveys participants active in the Prime Bank paper market for their views on the nominated banks. The list of nominated banks is as follows:

·         Australia New Zealand Banking group

·         Commonwealth Bank of Australia

·         National Australia Bank

·         Westpac Banking Corporation

The survey will be open until 12th December 2019. The list of Prime Banks will be confirmed by Monday 16th December 2019. Please coordinate internally to provide one response per institution.

To participate in the survey, click here.

What do I need to do by when?

Follow the above link to provide feedback on the list of nominated Prime Banks by
Thursday 12th December 2019.

Need more information?

Issued by

Monique Bell, Benchmark Manager

Contact information

+61 (02)  9227 0208
