
CYBG PLC (ASX Code: CYB) Name Change to Virgin Money UK PLC and Code change to VUK – Adjustment Implication for ETOs

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Notice reference number: 1259.19.11
Date published: 13/11/19
Effective as of: 15/11/19
Last updated: 13/11/19

Market Participants and ASX Clear (ASXCL) Participants are advised that CYBG PLC (ASX Code: CYB) announced a name change to Virgin Money UK PLC and a code change to VUK. This will be effective from Friday, 15 November 2019.

What do I need to do by when?

Implication for CYB ETOs

CYBG PLC ETOs will trade under new name Virgin Money UK PLC, VUK options code effective from Friday, 15 November 2019.

Participants are advised that any exercises on the day before the effective date of the ASX Code Change will be reported in ASX Trade the following day under the new name Virgin Money UK PLC and under the new code (VUK ETOs) and not the former code (CYB ETOs).

Need more information?

Issued by

Brendan Laird, Senior Manager, Settlement Operations

Contact information

Cheng Zhang 

1800 814 051
