
Pivotal Systems Corporation – Admission and Commencement of Official Quotation – Deferred Settlement Trading

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  • Equities
  • OTC Cleared
Notice reference number: 0720.18.06
Date published: 29/06/18
Effective as of: 29/06/18
Last updated: 29/06/18

Pivotal Systems Corporation (the ‘Company’) is expected to be admitted to the Official List of ASX Limited (‘ASX’) on Monday, 2 July 2018.

Official quotation of the Company’s CHESS Depositary Interests (‘CDIs’) over fully paid ordinary common stock is expected to commence at 1:00pm AEST on Monday, 2 July 2018 on a deferred settlement basis.

Each CDI represents fully paid ordinary common stock in the Company at a ratio of 1:1. The Company raised $53.5 million pursuant to the offer under its replacement prospectus dated 22 June 2018 (‘Replacement Prospectus’) by the issue and transfer of 28,785,008 ordinary fully paid CDIs over common stock at an issue price of $1.86 per CDI (the ‘Offer’).

What do I need to do by when?

Please refer to the following Market Announcement.

Need more information?

Please refer to the following Market Announcement.

Issued by

Chris Dobbs
Adviser, Listings Compliance (Sydney)

Contact information

+61 (02)  9227 0000
