Please note the scheduled maintenance date has changed.
ALC Customers are advised that ASX will be conducting annual maintenance on the High Voltage Switchboards. Maintenance will be performed over two days starting Saturday 17 March 2018 and concluding on Sunday 18 March 2018. The maintenance operations are due to start at 9:30am (HV-B) Saturday and 7am (HV-A) on Sunday. Maintenance is scheduled to be completed by 6pm on each day.
The maintenance will be performed on a single Switchboard at a time and will require the corresponding DRUPS to be running for the duration of the maintenance. During this time power to the data centre will be running off generator power.
We are anticipating that there will be no service interruptions, ASX will be working closely with its service engineers for the duration of the maintenance.
There is a low risk associated with this service.
ASX will be working closely with its service engineers for the duration of the maintenance. ALC Access and other services will continue as per normal procedures over the course of this work.
If you have any questions regarding this maintenance please contact ASX Customer Technical Support (CTS) at
Eloise Wett, Executive GM – Customer Experience
Customer Technical Support
+61 (02) 9227 0372 | 1800 663 053