
Westpac Banking Corporation (“WBC”) – Westpac CPS Reinvestment Offer ASX Code: WBCPC

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Notice reference number: 0128.18.02
Date published: 13/02/18
Effective as of: 13/02/18
Last updated: 13/02/18

This Notice is being issued to provide Participants with further information in relation to the bid and details the acceptance process through CHESS.

Westpac Banking Corporation has announced the offer of a new security – Westpac Capital Notes 5 (WBCPH). 

The Westpac Capital Notes 5 Offer (Offer) includes a Reinvestment Offer which will enable Eligible Westpac CPS Holders to apply to reinvest all or some of their Westpac CPS Transfer Proceeds towards the application for Westpac Capital Notes 5. 

The Offer opened on 13 February 2018. 

Eligible Westpac CPS Holders are registered holders of Westpac CPS at 7.00pm Sydney time on 29 January 2018 and shown on the Westpac CPS Register to have an address in Australia.

What do I need to do by when?

Bid Details:


Westpac Banking Corporation




Link Market Services Limited

ASX Code:


Offer Acceptance Codes:

WBC001 – ANZ

WBC002 – CBA

WBC003 – JPMorgan

WBC004 – Ord Minnett

WBC005 – Morgans

WBC006 – NAB

WBC007 – JB Were

WBC008 – UBS

WBC009 – Crestone Wealth Management

WBC010 – WIB

WBC011 – BT Financial Group

WBC012 – Bell Potter

WBC013 – Macquarie Equities

WBC014 – Shaw and Partners

WBC015 – Evans & Partners

WBC016 – Morgan Stanley

WBC017 – Third Party Brokers

WBC999 – Non-Broker Firm Reinvestment


Offer Terms:

Offer Open Date:

13 February 2018

Offer Close Date:

5:00pm (Sydney time) on Tuesday, 06 March 2018 (unless extended or withdrawn)


CHESS will process offer acceptance messages until 5:00pm (Sydney time) on 06 March 2018, or in the event that the Offer is extended, such other times as may be notified by WBC to the market.

For further information regarding the Offer, please contact the Westpac Capital Notes 5 Information Line (8.30am to 5.30pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) on 1300 784 494.

Need more information?

Issued by

Chris Mitchell, Post Trade Operations

Contact information

Chris Mitchell
1800 623 571

General Information

Participants should refer to Section 13 of the CHESS Procedure Guidelines for Participants and Section 14 of the ASX Settlement Operating Rules for further information concerning the processing of Takeover Acceptance Messages for a CHESS Holding of securities. Some of these issues are summarised below. 

  • A Participant must initiate acceptance of an offer by transmission of an EIS type ‘031’ message (Takeover Acceptance) where the securities in question are held in a CHESS Holding. The Participant will receive a ‘032’ message (Effected Takeover Acceptance) from CHESS in response. 
  • In addition to the electronic notification to the Participant, paper notification will be sent directly to the Holder as securities are reserved in an offer-accepted subposition. Any change to the balance of securities in subposition will generate further electronic advice to the Participant and paper advice to the Holder.
  • Where a Participant receives instructions from a Sponsored Holder, the Participant is required under the ASX Settlement Operating Rules to initiate acceptance of an offer:
  • if the Holder specifies the time when or by which the offer must be accepted, in accordance with those instructions; otherwise 
  • by End of Day on the date of receipt of instructions from the Holder. Where the offer closes on the date of receipt of instructions then prior to the close of the offer. 

Participants should therefore retain, as a minimum, a record of the date on which instructions to accept an offer are received from a Sponsored Holder.
