The readiness criteria for Renminbi securities issuance in Austraclear have been met and a decision has been made to proceed with the implementation over this weekend, for Go-Live on Monday 1 August 2016.
Austraclear currently supports renminbi (RMB) cash settlement and are on track to support the issuance, settlement and holding in Austraclear of renminbi denominated securities by 1 August 2016.The key changes in this release will enable;
- Issuance by Australian and off-shore Issuers into Austraclear of RMB denominated securities
- Issuance by off-shore Issuers into Austraclear for RMB denominated securities
- Holding of renminbi denominated securities in Austraclear
Please also note there is no change in the current connection to Austraclear for the implementation this weekend. As a result no weekend testing by participants is required.Below are the key dates for Customer readiness for Monday 01 August 2016.
For web deployment users, the current URL is used to access Production
Brendan Laird, Senior Manager Post Trade Operations
+1800 240 033
Any enquiries should be directed through to the Austraclear and ASX Collateral
Service Desk on 1300 362 257 or via email to