ASX Online is the channel for ALC customers to connect with ASX.
ASX has created a “master user” in ASX Online known as Enterprise Administrator. The Enterprise Administrator is responsible for creating, managing and disabling authority on behalf of other users within the participant they are responsible for. An Enterprise Administrator can assign any and all roles to themselves.
ASX Online guide for Enterprise Administrators
Enterprise Administrators are responsible for creating, managing and disabling authority on behalf of other users within ASX Online.
Enterprise Administrators can amend or remove any roles assigned to a user, including disabling the user, effectively suspending their access to ASX Online.
ASX Online users, including Enterprise Administrators, who represent more than one participation entity will be required to select the relevant participation entity the user would like to represent when they sign in. An ASX Online user can only be signed in into one participation entity at a time. ASX Online will display to the user which participation entity they are signed into. ASX Online users who subscribe to notices and other published content only need to do so from only one of the participation entities.
ASX Online users that do not have a sign in can search for and view public notifications including ASX Notices as well as public events.
ASX Online is compatible with all the major browsers and devices. You will be able to complete your tasks on ASX Online or access your notifications from your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
ASX Online users will not be required to change their password for ASX Online, passwords do not expire.
ASX Online users are able to reset their password from a link on the Sign In page. Users are required to enter a valid email address, to which a verification email will be sent to complete the process. Enterprise Administrators are also able to reset a user’s password.
ASX Notices and other communications can easily be subscribed to from the 'Manage Notifications'. ASX Online users can choose to have notifications emailed to them, as is the case today or access their notifications from ASX Online directly.
ASX Notices and other communications can easily be subscribed to from the 'Manage Notifications' page. ASX Online users can choose to have notifications emailed to them, as is the case today or access their notifications from ASX Online directly.
To find content on ASX Online use the search facility located at the top of every page. Content on ASX Online includes:
To browse all available content by publish date simply hit search without entering any text into the input box or if you know what you’re looking for, type the words into the input box and select search.
On the search results page you can refine your results by:
Our search engine also allows more advanced features for those who would like to attempt to refine their query further, for example:
If you're having trouble loacting specific content please let us know so we can assist in making this information more accessible.
Information on audience groups is available in the audience groups overview guide.
ALC Customers will be able to complete the following tasks:
ASX Online provides ALC Customers with the ability to raise a service request under the following sub-sets:
ASX Notifications and other communications such as ALC schedule maintenance events can easily be viewed by following the Calendar link from the Dashboard. Calendar events and other published notifications can also be viewed through Search.
Submitting a Work Access Request is a simple and intuitive process in ASX Online. Access to the request function is available in the main navigation panel on the left of all ASX Online pages. Simply choose the Site Location, Work Request Type, Date and Time, Short description of the activity and the details of the team member/s requiring access.
A range of Smart Hands and associated specialist services can be ordered directly from ASX Online. Access to the request function is available in the main navigation panel on the left of all ASX Online pages.
Requesting a quote for technical services such as a cross connect or a new gateway is now possible via ASX Online and you can choose from over 300 information and technical service products, allowing you to create the right combination for your business needs. Access to the request function is available in the main navigation panel on the left of all ASX Online pages. Simply select the products and services you require and then request a price.
Details of existing service contacts are also available to be viewed in ASX Online. (See Image 9: Service Contracts). Using this Service Contract feature will allow you to view a list of all of your ASX Information and Technical Services product subscriptions.
ASX Participants predominately use ASX Online to complete the following tasks:
Company PINs are not be required in ASX Online in order to submit a Short Sales or Securities Lending reports.
Users without ASX Online credentials can access ASX Online to search for and view public notifications and public events. Accessing ASX Rules via ASX Online requires a valid username and password. A non printable version of the Rulebooks are also available via
ASX Online provides users with the ability to raise service requests under the following sub-sets:
All ASX Online users can raise a service request to any of the sub-sets (ASX departments) identified above.
Lodging a Short Sales Report is a simple and intuitive process in ASX Online. Access to the reporting function is available in the main navigation panel on the left of all ASX Online pages. Reporting Short Sales can either be completed by uploading a .CSV file or manually uploading the data, as is the case today when lodging Short Sales reports. A separate guide for Short Sales Reporting has been created and will be made available to users of ASX Online that submit these reports.
You can view the Short Sales Reporting User guide here >
The reporting process itself has not changed however the pages which are used for report submission and retrieval have been updated. ASX is also aware of the need for participants to automate the submission of these reports and will investigate this feature as part of a future release.
Lodging a Securities Lending Report is a simple and intuitive process in ASX Online. Access to the reporting function is available in the main navigation panel on the left of all ASX Online pages. Reporting Securities Lending can either be completed by uploading a .CSV file or manually uploading the data, as is the case today when lodging Security Lending reports. A separate guide for Securities Lending Reporting has been created and will be made available to users of ASX Online that submit these reports.
You can view the Securities Lending Reporting User guide here >
The reporting process itself has not changed however the pages which are used for report submission and retrieval have been updated. ASX is also aware of the need for participants to automate the submission of these reports and will investigate this feature as part of a future release.