ASX Trade technical documentation

Welcome to the documentation page for ASX Trade.

A suitable audience are developers and application providers for the three interfaces: ASX Trade ITCH, OUCH and Open Interface (OI). The documents provide details of the ASX Trade architecture and protocols.



General Information

ASX Trade Refresh Documentation Update

ASX Trade Markets, Instruments Groups and Trade Condition Codes

ASX Trade Schedule Timings

ASX Trade Introduction and Business Information

Known issues



ASX Trade Connectivity Guide

Open Interface

ASX Trade Transactions

ASX Trade Broadcasts

ASX Trade Open Interface Function Calls

ASX Trade Queries

Reference Information  

NFF System Error Messages Reference


ASX Trade OUCH Message Specification

ASX Trade OUCH TPS Policy


ASX Trade ITCH Message Specification

Conformance Documentation

ASX Trade OI Conformance Process

ASX Trade OI Conformance Checklist

ASX Trade ITCH and OUCH Conformance Process

ASX Trade ITCH and OUCH Conformance Checklist


ASX Trade Guide to Testing Services

ASX Trade Development Environment Access Policy


Failover and Recovery

ASX Trade Failover and Recovery Guide

Order and Trade Download Service Guide

Sample ODS Orders file

Sample TDS Postfot file

Sample TDS Prefot file


Service Release 15

Removal of Staggered Opening Rotation

SR15 Bug Fixes and Known Issues

Post Close Trading Session Guide

Trading Halt Improvements Guide