ASX is updating its documentation to provide further clarity in relation to email details used to opt into receive electronic communications from ASX Settlement or issuers.
To opt into receive electronic communications from ASX Settlement or issuers, participants can provide a holder’s email address when establishing a holder record (using a CHESS 201 message) or updating a holders’ registration details (using a CHESS 203 message).
There is also an additional field called ‘email purpose’ in the CHESS 201 and 203 messages which indicates a holder’s preference to receive electronic communications.
There are 3 email purpose categories:
This preference and email address is sent from CHESS to the issuer (ie registry) as part of the CHESS 512 message (Holding Registration Details). This message notifies an issuer of (amongst other things) new registration details on the creation of a new CHESS holding and changed registration details (including changed email details) as notified by the participant. The email address and email purpose fields (when populated) are always sent to the issuer (registry) as part of the CHESS 512 message, regardless of which preference (A, B or C) is selected.
The format of this CHESS message has been in place since 2009. As part of CHESS Release 7 implemented late that year, email details were introduced as another component of a holder’s registration details, such that when such registration details are amended, CHESS will notify the relevant issuer of the updated details as part of the CHESS 512 message.
As noted above, CHESS notifies issuers of new or changed registration details (which have been notified to ASX Settlement by the participant). Given that email purpose forms part of the information captured in registration details, this information is also passed on to issuers.
We have made updates to the following technical documentation to provide further clarity in relation to the above:
An explanatory note has also been included in the ASX Settlement Operating Rules Procedures (section 2 – Definitions and Interpretation) to ensure participants are aware that a holder’s email details (being an email address and email purpose) are provided to issuers (registries) as part of the CHESS 512 message, regardless of which email purpose category is selected. This will include where an Email Purpose category notified is (b) (“ASX Settlement communications only”) which indicates a preference from a holder not to receive issuer communications by delivery to that email address.
Please see the marked up changes to the documents attached to this notice.The changes to these documents (including the ASX Settlement Operating Rules Procedures) will take effect from 18 November 2024.
Please contact the Issuer Services team by email at if you have any queries relating to the amendments.
Karen Webb, Head of Issuer Services;
Resan Ovat, Senior Manager – Issuer Services