
ASX Operating Rules – Procedure Amendment – Procedure 7100

What's this about:
  • ASX Market
  • Exchange Traded Products (ETP) & mFund
  • Trading
  • Clearing
  • Settlement
  • Rules
  • Compliance
  • Schedule 10A
  • AQUA Products
  • ETF
  • Exchange Traded Fund
  • Managed Fund
  • Exchange Traded Product
  • ASX Operating Rules
  • Rule 7100
  • Reliable Pricing Framework
Notice reference number: 1097.23.10
Date published: 27/10/23
Effective as of: 03/11/23
Last updated: 27/10/23

The purpose of this ASX Market Notice is to inform current and prospective ASX Market Participants that the entities specified in Procedure 7100 to the ASX Operating Rules are being updated, effective 3 November 2023 to:

·       specify JPMorgan Chase & Co. (“JP Morgan”) for the purpose of paragraph (a) of the definition of “Reliable Pricing Framework”; and

·       amend the names of several other entities that are specified for the purpose of paragraph (a) of the definition of “Reliable Pricing Framework” to reflect various market activities.

These amendments will:

·       make certain Underlying Instruments priced by JP Morgan eligible for inclusion in an Eligible Debt Portfolio under Rule 10A.3.3(c)(iii); and

·       make tidy-up changes to the list of entities specified in Procedure 7100 to reflect various market activities.

A copy of the amendments to the ASX Operating Rules Procedures is available here.




What do I need to do by when?

No action required.

Need more information?

Issued by

Roger Daniel
Senior Investment Products Specialist, ASX Compliance

Contact information

+61 (2)  9338 0000
