
ASX Electricity Futures and Options – Response to AEMO announcement

What's this about:
  • ASX 24 Market
  • Trading
  • Settlement
  • Clearing
  • Product
  • Operations
  • Commodities
  • Energy
  • Interest Rate Futures
  • ASX Electricity Futures and Options; AEMO
Notice reference number: 0649.22.06
Date published: 15/06/22
Effective as of: 15/06/22
Last updated: 15/06/22

ASX is aware of the announcement made by Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) today at 2:05pm advising the suspension of the spot market until further notice.

ASX electricity futures and options contracts will continue to operate under the standard trading hours as per the contract specifications.

ASX will continue to determine the daily settlement prices per the standard methodology under the ASX 24 Operating Rules.

ASX is in ongoing contact with AEMO Settlements in relation to the certainty of final spot prices on Tuesday 5 July which will be used to determine the Expiry Settlement Prices of the contracts detailed above.

ASX has been communicating with ASIC regarding the current situation.

What do I need to do by when?

For information only.

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Contact information

ASX Energy team on +61 2 9227 0900 or via email to
