For each of the following Contracts, the minimum number of Calendar Quarters that are listed for trading will be changed from eight (8) to six (6):
· Average Rate Options Over Australian Base Load Electricity Futures Contracts – Calendar Quarter (NSW, VIC, QLD, SA)
· Average Rate Options Over New Zealand Base Load Electricity Futures Contracts – Calendar Quarter (Benmore, Otahuhu)
The changes will take effect on 28 December 2018 which will result in no new expiries being listed for trading in these Contracts on 31 December 2018 and 31 March 2019.
The changes are being made to reflect the limited trading activity in Calendar Quarters 7 and 8 of these Contracts for an extended period.
Please see amendments to the ASX 24 Operating Rule Procedures here.
The notice is provided by way of information only and there is no action required by Participants.
Helen Lofthouse – Executive General Manager, Derivatives and OTC Markets
Bradley Campbell
+61(02) 9227 0900