
Notification of Commencement of Operations – Interactive Brokers Australia Pty Ltd

What's this about:
  • ASX Market
  • Clearing
  • Trading
  • Compliance
  • Operations
  • Equities
  • Equity Derivatives
  • Rates
Notice reference number: 0926.16.08
Date published: 08/08/16
Effective as of: 08/08/16
Last updated: 08/08/16

Further to the Notice of Admission (0829.16.07) Interactive Brokers Australia Pty Ltd will commence operations as an ASX Market Participant, ASX 24 Trading Participant, ASX Clear Participant (Direct) – Exchange Traded Options Only, ASX Clear (Futures) Participant of Australian Securities Exchange Limited, effective Tuesday 9th August 2016.

ASX 24 Firm ID - IBA

ASX Participant ID – 239

Please note Interactive Brokers Australia Pty Ltd will be self-clearing all ETO and ASX 24 derivative trades.

All Equity trades will be cleared via BNP Paribas Securities Services (PID 01892) 

Primary Contact

Gordan Towell

Chief Operating Officer

+61 2 8093 7306

Need more information?

Issued by

Chris Thuyet, Officer – Participant Transitions

Contact information

Chris Thuyet
+61 (02)  9227 0284
