
elodge your announcement

To elodge an announcement to ASX, logon using your user name and password.

Under the E-Lodgement centre tab on the left-hand side of the page you should see the E-lodge Announcement link. By selecting "eLodge Announcement", a template will appear. Only one file can be elodged to ASX at any one time. Please see sections below for PDF requirements and instructions on attachments/merging files.

In the "Insert Announcement" box, use the "Browse" button to find your announcement on your computer. By clicking on it twice, the file will appear in the "Insert Announcement" field.

In the "Announcement Header" field, enter an appropriate title for the announcement or select a standard title from the optional dropdown list. The standard title can be modified as required. ASX recommends use of meaningful titles and avoidance of generic titles such as 'ASX Announcement' or 'Media Release'.

The title is limited to 60 characters. At times the ASX Market Announcements Office will alter titles as required without prior consultation with the sender.

Due to security reasons, the symbols # ; " ® [ ] + \ cannot be used in the 'Announcement Header' field. If they are entered, transmission will fail and a red error message will appear at the bottom of your 'Submit' page explaining the error.

The ASX Code is pre-populated. Please ensure that the ASX code shown is appropriate for the announcement being elodged with ASX.

Contact Name and telephone number are also pre-populated from the ASX Online user profile page. These are the contact details ASX will use should we need to contact you for any reason regarding the announcement being elodged.

After re-entering your password, click on "Submit", the input data will be validated and, if successful, you will be taken to a preview page, where you can verify entered information and preview your file to ensure that you have attached the correct document. Once verified, click on the "Submit" button to finalise elodgement.

Notification of receipt and release of your announcement:

  1. On top of the elodgement form a message will appear advising whether your elodgement has been successful. If unsuccessful, please try again or contact the ASX Market Announcements Office on 1800 021 965 (or +61 2 8298 8044).
  2. Confirmation of your announcement being released to the market will be advised by:
    • the "Status of Announcements" page, which is automatically updated every 45 seconds.
    • An email message advising of the announcement's release. Email messages are sent to the ASX Online recipient list, as per the Email Acknowledgements page.

    *If for any reason you are unable to use ASX Online to elodge your announcement you may fax it to ASX using the following fax numbers.
  • For companies located within Australia - 1300 135 638
  • For companies located within New Zealand - 0800 449 707
  • For companies located elsewhere overseas - 61 2 9778 0999 or 61 2 8298 8260

Please note that ASX will not accept any announcements that are handwritten or hand delivered to ASX Offices. It is mandatory for announcements to be elodged to ASX using ASX Online. (Refer ASX Listing Rules Guidance Note 14 - Market Announcements Platform and ASX Listing Rules Guidance Note 20 - ASX Online - for more details).

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User administration

When a new user account is created, an email is sent to the nominated address for verification purposes. The user needs to click on a URL in the email received to confirm that email address was correctly recorded.

Until the email is confirmed, no announcement acknowledgements or reminders will be sent to this email address.

Document requirements

Adobe PDF requirements

All company announcements elodged to ASX need to comply with:

  • PDF format (Portable Document Format)
  • To convert documents to PDF, you will need appropriate software such as Adobe Acrobat version 6.0 or later. 200 DPI or 300 DPI
  • All pages must be A4 in size
  • Maximum file size for each announcement is 20 MB (in PDF)
  • Instructions on this Help Page regarding attachments/merging files.
  • PDF documents should use a True Type font such as Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica or Times.

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Security settings

Security settings in PDF documents can prevent documents opening, printing, copying &pasting, etc. When elodging documents please ensure all security settings are switched OFF. When using Adobe Acrobat v4, this can simply be achieved by:

  • Select PDF document
  • Select "File"
  • Select "Save As"
  • In the "Save As" box, select "None" in the Security drop down menu
  • Click on "Save"

The switching off of security settings on a PC is only required to be undertaken once.

For Adobe Acrobat version 6+ turning off the security setting can be achieved by:

  • Under File menu, select Document Properties
  • Select Security
  • Under Security Method, select "No Security", then OK
  • Press Save

If you are using other versions of Adobe Acrobat, please contact ASX Online Help Desk on 131 279 or +61 2 9338 0000 for simple instructions.

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Users are requested not to utilise the Adobe Acrobat facility which allows one or more documents to form PDF attachments to the main PDF file being transmitted to the ASX Market Announcements Office. This attachment facility cannot be handled within ASX's current market announcement processing technology, the result being that only the main document is available for viewing, processing and release, not the PDF attachment(s).

It is therefore important that users refrain from using this attachment facility. If you have several separate documents for release to the market which need to be combined and read in their entirety, please merge those documents into one complete PDF file as instructed below.

Conversion to PDF

Wherever possible it is recommended that your PDF market announcement be converted from a pre-existing electronic document (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and not scanned and converted from a paper version.

To convert Word, PowerPoint or Excel to PDF simply select 'Export' under the 'File' tab and follow the prompts to create a PDF document.

Features not supported by ASX Online:

  • Web links or cross-document links in any PDF document.
  • Any passwords or any document security controls.
  • Characters printed on a dark background if reading any of the characters may be difficult.
  • Form fields or form actions in any PDF document.
  • JavaScript in any PDF document.
  • Page actions in any PDF document.
  • Embedded audio or video in any PDF document.
  • Digital signatures.
  • "Article threads" in any PDF document
  • Adobe Acrobat attachment facility set out under 'Attachments' on this Help Page.

Please note that once you have signed an agreement to use ASX Online, signatures are not required on elodged documents. The security protection devices described below are sufficient for verification purposes.

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How to merge two or more documents to create one PDF document

You can merge two or more documents of different formats (e.g. Word and PowerPoint) to create a single PDF document. When merging documents, you can choose the order in which they appear. Note that a merged document will be treated as one announcement by ASX.

If you have Adobe Acrobat (v3.0 or later) on your computer, the steps are:

  • convert all documents to be merged into PDF (see previous instructions) and save in an appropriate file
  • open one of the PDF files
  • Under Document, select Insert Pages (for versions 6 and above - select Pages, then Insert)
  • Select File to Insert box will appear
  • Select document to be merged with the one already open and click on Open
  • Insert box will appear
  • From the dropdown menu for Location, select either After or Before for this document to appear in the single merged document. Click on OK
  • Two documents will now appear as a merged document
  • Repeat above steps if other documents are to be merged
  • Save final merged document to an appropriate file

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Online Forms - Resources

February 2024 updates: 

  • ASX Online Forms - Frequently Asked Questions. ASX has prepared this updated document to assist listed entities with common queries they may have in relation to the usage of ASX Online forms and the latest changes to the forms.
  • The key changes include: 
    • Presentation of the online form and equivalent PDF announcement: 
      • Updated online form and PDF announcement headers and footers to display the full name of the Appendix;
      • Selection boxes used in the online form by users to select responses are removed from the final PDF announcement - just the answer is displayed.
      • Updated validations on the values that are entered by users with corresponding changes to error messages.
    • Text changes in questions, information boxes and hint text to:
      • align with equivalent changes in the word version of the forms (defined terms, formatting and grammatical amendments) - including Appendix 2A, Appendix 3B, Appendix 3G, Appendix 3H and Appendix 4A, The updated equivalent word forms are available from the Forms page.  If you would like to review the changes, the Market Notice dated 2 January 2024 provided marked up copies of the word form changes.
      • Information and hint text changes in those online forms with the sections that summarise quoted and unquoted issued capital, including updated guidance in the equivalent PDF announcement regarding these totals and how they are calculated.
    • Appendix 3G - Notification of issue, conversion or payment up of unquoted equity securities: changes to address previous issues with the function of the Appendix 3G, including:
      • Allow linking to an existing Appendix 3B where a new unquoted security has not yet Appendix been created by ASX;
      • In Part 3C - provide a full list of existing quoted and unquoted securities for selection in response to the question "Details of the existing class of +security that will be issued upon exercise or conversion of this new class of company option";
      • In Part 3C - if a user inputs a future date in response to the question "Date the +securities the subject of this notification were issued", removal of an irrelevant information message regarding the need to provide a notification of the 20 largest recipients (this reminder is applicable for quoted securities only).
2021 updates:
  • ASX Online Forms - Frequently Asked Questions ASX has prepared this document to assist Issuers with common queries they may have in relation to the usage of ASX Online forms and the ASX Listing Rules changes that came into effect on 5 June 2021.
  • ASX Listing Rule and online form changes 2021 - Overview webinar (May 2021, duration 37 minutes)*. This webinar provides the following information:
    • An overview of the Listing Rule changes - timeline and where to find details
    • Overview of rule changes
    • Overview of MS word and online form changes and transition arrangements
    • Guidance for issuers - updated GN14, 20, 30
    • Logistical considerations for issuers
    • Tools available to preview online forms, training

                   The presentation is also available in PDF format here

  • Online forms - the basics 2021 webinar (May 2021, duration 20 minutes)*. This webinar provides an overview and demonstration of the basics for the use of online forms including:
    • Navigating ASX Online for Companies
    • Where to find the online forms
    • Create Online Forms page
    • Create a new online form
    • Save a draft
    • Form navigation - answer questions, view draft PDF, review then submit
    • Manage Online Forms page
    • Update, Cancel process


  • Appendix 3B online form - what's changed in 2021 webinar (May 2021, duration 18 minutes)*. This webinar provides an overview and demonstration of the updated Appendix 3B including:
    • Re-cap on Appendix 3B offer types, and relevant parts in the online form
    • Types of offers and typical parts to be completed for each offer
    • Participating and proposed securities for each type of offer
    • Overview of changes to be implemented in 2021, transition arrangements and demonstration

                  The presentation is also available in PDF format here

  • Overview of new online form - Appendix 2A (non Appendix 3B scenarios) webinar (May 2021, duration 19 minutes)*. This webinar provides an overview and demonstration of the Appendix 2A including:
    • Overview of relevant listing rules, guidance and transition arrangements
    • Where to find the online form
    • Creating a new form
    • Typical parts of the form
    • Examples of different scenarios for type of issue (except where previous Appendix 3B for proposed issue)

                  The presentation is also available in PDF format here

  • Overview of new online form - Appendix 2A (previous Appendix 3B scenario) webinar (May 2021, duration 14 minutes)*. This webinar provides an overview and demonstration of the Appendix 2A, where a previous Appendix 3B has been submitted, including:
    • Overview of relevant listing rules, guidance and transition arrangements
    • Workflow for a proposed issue and when to use Appendix 3B and Appendix 2A
    • Where to find the online form
    • Creating a new form
    • Typical parts of the form
    • Selecting the related Appendix 3B to confirm the issue of securities, and providing relevant details in the presented parts of the form (example of Bonus issue)
    • Tips

                  The presentation is also available in PDF format here

  • Overview of new online form - Appendix 3G (non Appendix 3B scenarios) webinar (May 2021, duration 12 minutes)*. This webinar provides an overview and demonstration of the Appendix 3G including:
    • Overview of relevant listing rules, guidance and transition arrangements
    • Where to find the online form
    • Creating a new form
    • Typical parts of the form
    • Examples of different scenarios for type of issue (except where previous Appendix 3B for proposed issue)
  • Overview of new online form - Appendix 3G (previous Appendix 3B scenario) webinar - (May 2021, duration 13 minutes)*. This webinar provides an overview and demonstration of the Appendix 3G, where a previous Appendix 3B has been lodged/announced, including:
    • Overview of relevant listing rules, guidance and transition arrangements
    • Workflow for a proposed issue and when to use Appendix 3B and Appendix 3G
    • Where to find the online form
    • Creating a new form
    • Typical parts of the form
    • Selecting the related Appendix 3B to confirm the issue of securities, and providing relevant details in the presented parts of the form (example of Placement)
    • Tips

                  The presentation is also available in PDF format here

  • Overview of new online form - Appendix 3H webinar (May 2021, duration 10 minutes)*. This webinar provides an overview and demonstration of the Appendix 3H including:
    • Overview of relevant listing rules, guidance and transition arrangements
    • Where to find the online form
    • Creating a new form
    • Typical parts of the form
    • Updates/cancellation

2019 & prior updates:

*note you will be taken to another web page hosted by GoToWebinar to view the webinar - please provide your details and click Register to view the webinar.

Need Help?

Please contact your Listing Adviser if you require help with the ASX Online Forms.

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Status of announcements

This page provides details of announcements elodged by your company and their status details. A unique Doc ID number is automatically attached by ASX for each document elodged. The Status column will provide a status message dependent upon how the document is proceeding through the elodgement system. If ASX considers an announcement sensitive, trading will be halted for 10 minutes. Contact will show the user name attaching to the ASX Online account used when elodging the announcement. Announcement Title is the title input by the sender when elodging the announcement.

If ASX considers an announcement sensitive, trading will be halted for 10 minutes.

All announcements received by ASX are immediately assessed as either "sensitive" or "non-sensitive". "Sensitive" announcements are those that are very likely to have an impact on the company's share price, when released. When an announcement is classified as "sensitive", the respective company's securities are placed into "pre-open" status on ASX's trading system. This means that trading in the company's securities is temporarily halted for approximately ten minutes. This temporary halt can extend to one hour if the announcement relates to a takeover.

The purpose of the "pre-open" status is to allow the market to understand the announcement and assess its likely implications on the company's securities. Once the "pre-open" period is completed, full trading of the company's securities recommences.

User Email Preferences

This screen may be used to select those users from your company who will receive:

  • an email acknowledgement following the release of an announcement
  • a courtesy reminder in relation to upcoming reporting deadlines for periodic reports
  • The announcement PDF will only be attached to confirmation emails if the size is less than 5MB. To view released announcements please go to

Update the settings for one or more active users and click on the Save button to save any changes. Administration of user email addresses is the responsibility of the listed entity.

External Notifications

This screen may be used to add email addresses for external groups or individuals so that when an announcement is released they receive the same email acknowledgment as ASX online users for your listed entity (see User Email Preferences for more information).

A maximum of 30 external recipients can be set to receive email notifications.
Any valid email address can be included (distribution lists, individuals, etc.).

The announcement PDF will only be attached to confirmation emails if the size is less than 5MB. To view released announcements please go to


Passwords expire every 45 days, unless changed earlier.

Browser Compatibility

ASX Online Companies is compatible with the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer - version 8+ (9+ recommended)
  • Firefox - latest version
  • Chrome - latest version
  • Opera - latest version
  • Safari - latest version


Receiving a 'Technical error' when uploading an announcement

If you receive a 'Technical error' when loading a PDF announcement, one of the causes may be that JavaScript is included in the PDF.

Please try deleting JavaScript from the PDF by following these steps:

  • In Adobe Acrobat, go to View > Tools > Javascript
  • Go to Document JavaScripts
  • Select the Script Name and Delete
  • Save the changes

Note: these steps may differ slightly, depending on the version of Adobe Acrobat.

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