
ASX Clear (Futures) Initial Margin Parameters

What's this about:
Notice reference number: 0768.21.06
Date published: 11/06/21
Effective as of: 30/06/21
Last updated: 11/06/21

ASX Clear (Futures) is revising its initial margin and liquidity margin add-on parameters for ASX 24 Australian Electricity Base Load Cap Futures products only.

The updated energy margin parameters can be found in Appendix 1.

What do I need to do by when?

ASX will be implementing the new margin parameters based on the end of day position on 30 June 2021 (Wednesday) for initial margins settled on 1 July 2021 (Thursday).

Details of the changes made to initial margin parameters are provided in Appendix 1. No changes have been made to other margin parameters.

All non-Energy ASX 24 futures and options contract margin parameters remains unchanged and available on the ASX website at:

All ASX 24 Energy futures and options contract margin parameters are available on the ASX website at:

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Clearing Risk Oversight

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